September 1st 2023 Contact Report With Telaari

Brient Hess
3 min readSep 1, 2023


For the last 24 months at least, perhaps closer to three years, I have been contacted telepathically by an extraterrestrial being who said they are called Telaari — more commonly known by their nickname, “The Swoops.” One Telaari requested I provide a contact report this evening, which I felt would be fine to oblige after noticing years of peaceful contact with their species. (He is clearly not a simulated contact experience to me, created through some clever trans-dimensional projection.)

I often notice “Swoops” interacting peacefully with myself in CE-2 telepathic contact, and I briefly in the past noticed a CE-1 experience with a “Swoop” wherein they made me briefly aware of their immediate presence.

They seem to me to have very advanced technology, as though they would warp through small “wormholes” they might be termed through spacetime, at long distance, through something like a personal “space suit” that IS their own personal “UFO.” Telaari told me that if they’re ever noticed at street level, that’s the situation they’re in, ready to move at “warp speed” in other directions.

This evening, I was interacting with a Telaari, who wanted me to address some questions about their activities on Earth. He communicated that they are active in my area observing humans, because of precarious situations facing humanity being one reason… another being curiosity. He told me Telaari are curious about Earth humans with our technology growing so advanced — human computers being able to hold enough information to have advanced meaning to Telaari.

He told me they are active in the Pacific Northwest for these reasons, and in the Idaho Basin area because of certain military facilities holding technologies of interest to them. The same could be said of their presences in Colorado and elsewhere in the U.S. — that military facilities with advanced technologies being developed or tested within those facilities are going to draw the interest of their species.

Obviously, he feels, their species would also be following similar endeavors in advanced nation-states of Earth like China.

Of advanced technology, he commented that Telaari cannot single-handedly stop CERN’s continued failures. Telaari said he is sorry that so many scientists involved with that facility cannot comprehend the nature of the problem with the facility. He believes there is a spiritual problem with the failures, he articulated telepathically.

Telaari told me they are also active on the surface “scouting” or establishing contact with other star nations active on Earth. They told me they are peaceful with Mantis beings, and several other star nations active on Earth are possible to interact with for them. The Telaari individual I’m interacting with tonight at the time of this writing also mentioned they exist in complete peace with the beings from Sirius A, in particular.

Human poetry sometimes baffles Telaari, he said, though as a species he feels they overall would respect this endeavor of poetry. (This showing of higher culture sometimes impresses Telaari who wish to comprehend Earth poetry.)

Telaari communicated that explaining oneself in visual metaphors to them should be encouraged, for people who don’t understand how to communicate with Telaari. Gesticulation shouldn’t be discouraged, though for people who wish to seek contact with them, telepathic contact can be established and two-way telepathic communication can occur without the assistance of technology. Telaari will not necessarily find verbal communication attempts with them irksome depending on the communication strategy being used, though seeking telepathic communication is encouraged if you notice them around you.

This Telaari in contact with me communicated that why surface humans only ever seem to notice male Telaari, or almost always male Telaari are observed, is because females have different social roles. Females do exist, and Telaari told me they are not produced by cloning.

Telaari told me they do not wish to forestall the development of advanced AI by humanity, though it is important that it is developed ethically to them. They mentioned they are concerned by some current applications of AI, though that could be another contact report entirely. Humans asking each other for, “More more more, faster faster faster” with AI seemed to be a concern for this Telaari.

He said of this, “That would be all for now,” and I noticed I was happy to help facilitate contact between humans and extraterrestrials by providing this contact report.



Brient Hess

Focusing on psychic experience and extraterrestrial contact, right now, and their intersection.